Brilliant minds, they think alike. The Internet just discovered the plot of Hard Powder, the latest Liam Neeson action extravaganza, in which the thespian Oscar-nominated for Schindler’s List plays a snowplow driver hell-bent on revenge. When reading those words, did your mind immediately flash to that 1992 Simpsons episode in which Homer becomes Mr. Plow? Did you then think that this sounded like a gritty Mr. Plow reboot? You’re not the only one.
Man, the Mr. Plow sequel got DARK. https://t.co/R3VK93PLqT
— Andrew Bucholtz (@AndrewBucholtz) August 16, 2018
There are dozens, maybe soon hundreds of these, from all walks of life. Here’s noted historian Kevin M. Kruse getting in on the game:
"Mr. Plow," he said grimly into the phone. "That's my name. That name again is Mr. Plow." https://t.co/23lPNDc5qE
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) August 17, 2018
Here’s Alex Fitzpatrick, Senior Editor at Time, aiming for viral glory:
And so on:
“My name is Mr. Plow. I have a particular set of skills….that name again is Mr. Plow.” pic.twitter.com/yvI27cTSwc
— joe bro (@jbromovies) August 17, 2018
Pitch meeting:
-So we have a snowplow driver..
-Uh, he wins a Citizen of the Year award?
-Uh…It’s Liam Neeson?
-Oooh, Does he seek vengeance?
-Well, uh, I guess we could write that in…
-SOLD!@LiamNeeson24 #mrplow #takenhttps://t.co/2OnwHSKfsd— Ron Douglas (@rondouglastv) August 17, 2018
“It’s Mr. Plow.” *SEETHES, SLOWLY UNZIPS CANADA GOOSE JACKET* “That’s my name.” *DONKEY KICK TO VILLAIN’S THROAT* “That name again…” *SNAPS VILLAIN’S NECK* “…is Mr. Plow.” https://t.co/hJOtJeF26o
— Adam Proteau (@Proteautype) August 17, 2018
“Call Mr. Plow…that’s my name……I will kill you……that name again………is Mr. Plow.” pic.twitter.com/2JG90sMqtY
— AllFlickering Against the Dying of the Light (@allflicker) August 17, 2018
If you too drafted a Mr. Plow-Neeson tweet, don’t feel that you’re not unique: Everyone quotes The Simpsons. Constantly quoting The Simpsons is as key a part of the culture, if not the human condition, as Shakespeare or Batman. Who among us, when lady luck suddenly looks our way, doesn’t think to themselves, “Everything’s coming up Millhouse”? Who doesn’t say “Boo-urns” instead of “Boo”? What geek doesn’t regularly think of the Comic Book Guy, staring into the abyss of nuclear annihilation, blurting out, “Oh, I’ve wasted my life”?
Don’t feel bad because we all thought of the same joke. Let it remind you that we’re all one, united by twenty-six-year-old Simpsons episodes that featured voice cameos by Adam West and Linda Ronstadt.