Zombieland: Double Tap isn’t the only zombie coming out this October, the *spookiest* month of the year. Directed by Abe Forsythe, the horror-comedy Little Monsters stars Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o as a schoolteacher who, along with Josh Gad and Alexander England, gets trapped in a zombie outbreak during a class field trip. As the red-band trailer above notes, there are flesh-eating zombies, obviously, along with assault with a deadly guitar, strong language, firearms, disembowelment, death metal, gore, mini golf, conga lines, space aliens, and a zombie-child (?) dressed as Darth Vader. Also, Lupita — who, again, has an Academy Award — kills zombies with a shovel.
Your move, Reese Witherspoon. Here’s the official plot summary.
Dave (Alexander England), a washed-up musician, volunteers to chaperone his nephew’s Kindergarten field trip after taking a shine to the plucky schoolteacher, Miss Caroline (Lupita Nyong’o). Dave’s intentions are complicated by the presence of world famous child entertainer and competitor for Miss Caroline’s affections, Teddy McGiggle (Josh Gad). One thing none of them bargained for, however, is a sudden zombie outbreak, from which Dave and Miss Caroline must protect the children.
Little Monsters is in theaters for one night, October 8 (click here for ticket information), before hitting Hulu on October 11.