An Indiana Silo Has Been Given A ‘Minions’ Makeover And There’s A Touching Reason Behind It

As evidenced by malls and the Facebook walls of your relatives, those divisive gibberish spewers known as Minions continue to rule America with an iron fist. (Orderly queue for your snappy political quips, please.) These yellow fellows remain ultra popular and now there’s a 25-foot silo recreation of one of the mighty Minions.

The woman in the picture above with the slightly more cylindrical than usual Minion is Kathy Stark. She’s lived on this rural Indiana family farm for 37 years and the idea for this unlikely sightseeing destination was sparked by her husband Jim. Instead of giving the silo a regular paint job, Jim proposed over cocktails that they turn the silo into one of the scamps of Despicable Me.

Sadly, Jim passed away at 73 before the project could be put into motion. His agreeably unlikely vision for a striking silo design would be put into motion by Kathy and a team of family members earlier this year. As you can see, it’s a pretty remarkable brand of revamp. It’s one that Kathy believes her late husband would be proud of.

“I think he’s up in heaven right now,” Kathy said, “laughing and pointing and saying: ‘See that silo down there, that’s where I lived. That was my idea.’ ”

The silo’s become a bit of a tourist attraction with people in the area wanting to see the most farm-friendly Minion in the Hoosier State. Kathy shared with WANE some details about the people that have been popping by.

“We’ve had everything from low flying helicopters to a guy on his lawn mower that lived in Decatur several miles away that was pulling his wife and his kid in a cart,” said Stark. “I thought that was the topper until the other day the Ossian Nursing Home came by with the elderly.”

So if you happen to have a low flying helicopter, a lawn mower (with cart attached) or a vehicle for transporting the elderly, there’s something you may want to see in the vicinity of Ossian, Indiana. We suppose bikes, cars and tractors may be do the trick too.

(via Entertainment Weekly & Washington Post)