Marvel finally seems to be getting over their female superhero phobia. They’re planning to bring Captain Marvel to the big screen in a solo adventure, but what about the most visible, popular female hero, Black Widow?
Previously, Marvel has been very cagey about the possibility of a Black Widow movie, saying they’d like to do it, but it’s hard. Y’know, for reasons. This, despite the fact that a script for a Black Widow solo adventure already exists, and Marvel almost made a movie starring the character back during the pre-Iron Man dark ages. Well, the folks at Collider asked Scarlett Johansson about the possibility of a solo Black Widow movie while she was doing press for Avengers: Age of Ultron, and it sounds like things might be opening up a little bit.
According to Johansson, a series of movies has even been discussed…
“I’ve spoken to Kevin about it. I mean, of course, of course we’ve had that conversation before, and I think Kevin would also like to see a standalone film. I think I can speak for him and say that. That’s all, really. Right now I think this character is used well in this part of the universe, but I think that Kevin—I mean, we’ve talked about it and we both share similar vision for what could be a standalone series.”
Johansson also talked about how her character has morphed and grown through her appearances in multiple Marvel movies…
“My contract has changed. Marvel and myself didn’t really know how the fans were gonna react to Black Widow the first time and how she was gonna be—they couldn’t anticipate how they would want to use her or if they would want to use her. I mean we invested in that character, but the audience had a great reaction to the character, which has been so awesome. For instance, I wasn’t contracted into doing Cap movies, but that storyline worked out so well I kind of branched off and I found myself in that standalone movie. My contract is kind of mutating, I guess [laughs] or morphed to fit the demand of the character.”
Of course, all this talk of a Black Widow movie may be for naught if Johansson doesn’t stick around. So, is she planning to continue on as part of the Marvel family?
“It’s been a very good relationship back and forth and I think Marvel—the one thing about working with them is they don’t want anybody to work on the movie that doesn’t want to be there, obviously. So whatever you’re contracted to should not feel like golden handcuffs, and they don’t want that either. I’m always happy to put the cat suit back on, for sure.”
What a coincidence, I’m always happy when Scarlett puts on her cat suit, too. Funny when things work out that way. What do you think? Is the Black Widow movie ever happening? Do you actually want it to happen?
via Collider