Sex Tech Update: The Pubes In ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Were Added With CGI

When it comes to CGI, there are the big, obvious effects — your T-Rexes and King Kongs — and then there are the countless shots you don’t notice. The stuff you would never expect was CGI because, honestly, why bother?

Well, it turns out Dakota Johnson’s bikini region is the latest thing Hollywood’s CGI elves have secretly been tinkering on. Yes, all the pubes glimpsed during Fifty Shades of Grey‘s sex scenes were added digitally. Why would they do that? Were Dakota Johnson and Jame Dornan just super-dedicated waxers? Well, here’s the movie’s cinematographer explaining the reasoning…

“We were protecting the actors. Jamie had a cover over his penis. Dakota had kind of a patch that went over her pubic area, and right round her whole body. We were in the curious situation, in post-production, of adding pubic hair. I wouldn’t say it was one of the highlights of my career, but it certainly was one of the most surreal scenarios. We did have a butt double for Dakota. I had the pleasure of casting a non-tattooed bottom. Surreal scenario number two.”

It may seem ridiculous, but as all real Hollywood insiders know, genitals don’t look like genitals on film. You don’t even want to know. You wouldn’t believe how much the porn industry spends on CGI.

So, the takeaway is that somewhere out there, there’s a team of effects artists who spent weeks/months drawing shorthairs on Dakota Johnson’s and Jamie Dornan’s modesty diapers.

Via io9