One of the big questions coming out of last week’s newest Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer is, “Where the hell is Luke Skywalker?”
We know Mark Hamill is in the cast, and 30 years after the defeat of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi, one wonders in what form will we see the now old Jedi? It’s not that Luke was completely absent in the new trailer, as one brief shot showed what looks like a hooded Luke placing his mechanical hand on his old droid, R2-D2. On Monday, writer-director J.J. Abrams walked the red carpet at the GLSEN Respect Awards, and the question of why we were not privy to Luke’s once handsome facade was posed.
“It’s no accident,” he said.
Thanks, J.J. Could you be anymore vague? Of course Abrams isn’t going to spill the beans as to why Luke was not featured prominently in the trailer, and that leaves one wondering: What is he alluding to?
Is it possible that Luke is already dead (or perhaps believed to be dead) when Episode VII begins, and Luke’s true arrival will not come until Episode VIII in some kind of resurrection angle? Imagine how cool it would be if Finn engages in battle with Kylo Ren, and is almost defeated when Luke finally emerges and makes the battle a two-on-one affair à la the only good part of The Phantom Menace. Maybe Luke as the ultimate baddie is this new trilogy, with Kylo Ren merely serving as his underling — a lot can happen in 30 years, so it’s anyone’s guess.
What kind of role do you think Luke will play in the new Star Wars trilogy, and do you think he’ll even make it out of Episode VII alive?
(via Associated Press)