Australian actor Jai Courtney is playing the hilariously-named Captain Boomerang in David Ayer’s Suicide Squad. And it’s not just us snickering at the name. It seems Courtney himself wasn’t so sure about taking up the mantle of the Captain of the Boomerangs when he was first approached by Ayer. Spotlight Report was able to pose a few questions to Courtney during a roundtable interview.
After Courtney pointed out he and his Squad have found a “family atmosphere” on set (#SquadGoals), he explained why he took the role, silly name and all.
“[David Ayer] was the real draw card for me. I hadn’t read a script at all when I signed on. We’d met on a couple of occasions and we’d spoken. And, to be honest, when he told me that the role of Captain Boomerang was what he was thinking, I kind of cringed. ‘Cause I wasn’t a comic book kid. I wasn’t familiar with the DC universe and the history of that. So I knew nothing about it. And I was, like, ‘Oh, god, Captain Boomerang… Really?… I really don’t know how Australians will react to this.’ “
Still a better name than Jai Courtney.
He went on to say that he signed on anyway because David Ayer is a “stickler for authenticity,” but we understand his trepidation about a character named “Captain Boomerang.” After all, if you want to have a villain who’s quintessentially Australian, you’ve got to name him none other than Captain Giant F*ckall Spider.
(Via Spotlight Report and Screen Rant)