TCM’s Annual In Memoriam Video Will Make You Sad All Over Again About Who We Lost This Year

To put it gently, 2016 has been an incredibly rough year for celebrity deaths. Once you really consider everyone we lost this year, from iconic singers to the actors and actresses we thought would never die, that might actually be an understatement. A mix of nostalgia for older projects and some people dying unexpectedly or too young meant that every time you turned around this year there was another devastating loss. From Prince to Bowie and Alan Rickman to Alan Thicke, it seemed like not a day went by without many people cursing 2016 as one of the most tragic years in recent memory when it comes to famous people departing too soon.

Now, TCM has released its annual “In Memoriam” video for everyone to watch and remember each person who died in the past year. Sure, there’s a week left in 2016 but maybe by posting the video this soon TCM is similar to the rest of us in hoping that the celebrity deaths of this year are in the past and everyone we care about is safe from here on out. Be warned though, even if you thought you were over not having Anton Yelchin or Doris Roberts around anymore that the video will stir up that sadness all over again. Plus, we have to go through this all over again when the Oscars air in February. Please, no more soul-crushing celebrity losses for at least a few months. It’s the least the universe could do at this point.