This isn’t your mother’s mermaid tale (or tail). The first trailer for The Lure, an indie film out of Poland, looks downright fascinating in its many dimensions and features. The movie centers around two mermaid sisters, Golden and Silver, who just so happen to also enjoy eating men for sustenance. With it’s 80’s setting and variations in tone based off of this first look, the film looks like a mix between a Coen Brothers fever dream, cut scenes from Boogie Nights, and romantic angst.
The movie’s storyline consists of the siren, man-eating siblings joining a cabaret only for one of them to fall in love with a musician (of course) while the other would rather keep…you know…eating men. Oh, and did we mention that the movie is also a musical? Add that to the list of many reasons so far that this could be one of the most intriguing releases of 2017. It already garnered notice at last year’s Sundance Film Festival so that bodes well for its quality. The glimpses of the film’s aesthetic just in this trailer — including all out dance sequences, the sisters sitting in a giant cocktail glass like mermaid drink garnishes, and the fact that their tails are less “oh sparkly!” and more “incredibly horrifying” — promise a unique theatre experience at the very least.
It might be time that everyone starts learning to spell Agnieska Smoczynska, because even though this is her first feature film there’s no way it ill be her last.