Mad Max: Fury Road is a beautiful post-apocalyptic experience of a movie. George Miller has really struck a chord with his latest installment to the Mad Max franchise and two fans by the name of Zachary Johnson and Ronen V took it upon themselves to create a unique motion poster to pay tribute to the film. Here, the two artists animated a few scenes from the movie’s trailer with oil paintings and their style brings the footage to life in a very compelling way.
I could stare at this motion poster for hours, and it’s possible I already have. While a full-length feature made in this style of animation is probably too time consuming and costly to make happen, Johnson did create a five minute long music video featuring a similar style of animation and, as you’d expect, it’s pretty cool to watch.
With more and more motion posters popping up for movie campaigns, it sure would be cool if more of them utilized a style that hearkened back to the old school days of Drew Struzan and the like. Until then, I’ll just be over here staring at this Mad Max: Fury Road poster because it’s that cool.
(Via The Verge)