A Far-Right Radio Host Is Actually Arguing That ‘Top Gun: Maverick’s Box Office Is Proof That Democrats Will Lose The Midterms

Top Gun: Maverick rocketed into theaters and delivered the biggest opening weekend of Tom Cruise’s career thanks to a combination of factors. The original film is a beloved ’80s classics, early reviews were overwhelmingly positive across the board, and this is the first Memorial Day weekend in years that wasn’t bogged down by the pandemic. As Spider-Man: No Way Home and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness proved, people are ready to return to the theaters after being stuck at home. Everything came together in a perfect serve for the shirtless volleyball game of Top Gun‘s return.

However, if you ask far-right radio host Steve Gruber, Top Gun: Maverick‘s success happened because it’s a slice of pure American pride that spells trouble for the Democrats in the midterms. Never mind that Cruise’s religion of choice is an outer space cult that thinks aliens give you the flu, Top Gun is MAGA gold, apparently.

Via Mediaite:

“This is by far the biggest warning of all for mealy-mouth politicians and feckless weasels of all stripes, everywhere, RINOs, Democrats and socialists, that in November it’s American pride that will be returning,” Gruber said. “And it will be Americans reawakening and taking back our country, and it is American pride that has driven the very rare A+ rating for the brand new Top Gun film.”

As Mediaite notes, Gruber is just the latest in a long of right wing voices who are trying to tout Top Gun: Maverick as proof that audiences want more “anti-woke” films. Never mind that Multiverse of Madness absolutely destroyed at the box office, and it prominently features a lesbian hero, America Chavez, and her two mothers. Sometimes, people just want to see things blow up on a huge screen with massive speakers, and that’s all there is to it.

(Via Mediaite)