UPROXX Discussion: The Best And Worst Rap Beefs Of All-Time

The other night a friend and I were discussing the current beef between Common and Drake and my friend made the assertion that it may be the worst beef of all-time.

“Every generation gets the rap beef it deserves, and this generation deserves this lameass Common/Drake beef,” he said. “The best beefs are always when a hungry upstart takes aim at the throne of an established king, and these two dudes are neither of those people.”

Point taken.

Anyway, the conversation got me to thinking about rap beefs. A couple came immediately to mind, the first being the Jay-Z vs. Nas beef — which started in the late 90s and carried over into the 2000s — over who was the undisputed “King of New York.” Can we go ahead and award a victory to Jay in this one?

The other one that really stood out to me was the LL Cool J vs. Kool Moe Dee beef. I can remember being in junior high — it may have even been middle school — when Moe Dee’s “How Ya Like Me Now” album came out featuring a red Kangol hat being run over by a Jeep, a clear shot at LL.

Conversely, the worst, and most hilarious, beef of all-time to me (though one of the participants wasn’t a rapper so it probably doesn’t count) was Mitt Romney vs. LMFAO’s Sky Blu. Remember when they got into a fight on a plane? Holy crap that still makes me LOL when I think about it.

With all of that said, something we want to do in 2012 on UPROXX is to hold more discussion posts, live blogs, etc., and I figured this might be a good topic to get things kicked off. So please feel free to chime in in the comments: What are you favorite and least favorite beefs and why?

(ED. NOTE: In the coming days, you’ll be able to post images and videos in the comments, which will greatly enhance such discussions. Just wanted to toss that out there.)