Chris Brown Has A New Pickup Line Sure To Make All The Ladies Melt

Ladies, prepare to moisten

Chris Brown — who pleaded guilty in 2009 for felony assault for hitting then-girlfriend Rihanna — confidently approached an attractive brunette Feb. 10 at the Lasio Professional Hair Care suite Grammy gift lounge and asked her, “Can I get your number? I promise I won’t beat you!” the woman tells Us Weekly.

“He and his friends laughed, then one yelled, ‘That’s his new line!’ Ugh! I wanted to throw up!”

Counters Brown’s rep: “I’d be surprised if Chris said something that stupid.”

HAHAHA, Chris Brown’s PR people don’t know Chris Brown all that well, apparently. Do y’all ever read his Twitter?! It’s regularly laced with more stupidity than a Republican presidential debate.

Anyway, you know what they say, ladies: If a guy has to promise not to beat you, he probably will. Like I said, Chris Brown is the absolute worst.

(Thanks for the tip, Molly! Screengrab via Chris Brown’s video for “Strip”)