Yet Another Very Important Chris Brown V. Drake Update

When we last checked in on the aftermath of the Fight of the Century Where There Can Be No Winners, Drake’s flack was all, “Fight? What fight?!?!?! Drake was home in his footie pajamas enjoying a tasty snack of cookies and milk!”

Now the NYPD is investigating and — with the help of a predictably snitch-y Chris Brown — a clearer picture is beginning to emerge of what exactly happened in da club that night, the immediate aftermath of which can be seen above.

Reports the NY Daily News:

It began after Drake, who arrived with a 15-member entourage, rejected a peace offering from Brown — a $2,000 bottle of Ace of Spades champagne.

The rejection was accompanied by a nasty note, police sources said.

It read: “I’m still f—— Rihanna.”

Witnesses said Drake, who was sitting on the other side of the club, also flipped the bird at Brown.

Minutes later, the witnesses said, five members of Drake’s crew peeled off their shirts and went after Brown, who had been partying with Tran and his posse.

Brown was reportedly punched in the face and cracked with a bottle. Cops said he tried to leave, but Drake’s peeps blocked his path.

More bottles began flying like missiles through the club, showering partygoers with glass shards.

Apparently, based on the Daily News report and the pic up top, there were many bottles that were used as weapons that night, not just the one previously reported to have been used to crack Chris Brown in his head. San Antonio Spurs guard Tony Parker caught some glass shards in his eye — because of course he did — and the 23 year-old Australian girl below got ripped up pretty bad in the crossfire.

And if all that weren’t enough, there are rumors swirling that shots may have been fired. Maybe some UPROXX commenters dreams will come true and this will in fact turn out to be Biggie/Tupac Part II?

(Both pics via Twitter via the Daily News, which of course did not link to the original sources)