Here’s the deal: Jack White and Patrick Carney straight up don’t like each other. It’s not some manufactured battle by the media or rumored whispers passed along, they REALLY don’t like one another. Apparently (if you’re inclined to believe The Black Keys drummer), this all came to a head at a bar in New York City this past weekend, where Carney claimed that Jack White and a group of friends “bullied” him and challenged him to a fight.
Now the former White Stripes leader has issued a statement refuting this claim (and dropping major shade on Carney, of course). In the missive released to Entertainment Weekly, White suggests that this was blown heavily out of proportion:
“Nobody tried to fight you, Patrick. Nobody touched you or ‘bullied’ you. You were asked a question you couldn’t answer so you walked away. So quit whining to the Internet and speak face to face like a human being. End of story.”
Something tells us this is hardly the “end” of this story, despite Jack White’s protests. EW has pointed out that these two have feuded since 2013, and White accused The Black Keys of ripping off his sound in a Rolling Stone interview in 2014 — not to mention The Black Keys’ previous trolls of Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson, Insane Clown Posse, Spotify, and many more.
Ah, there’s nothing more refreshing than two super-rich dudes fighting over who stole doing the blues from who. Now, all of us can patiently wait until Billy Corgan enters the fray.
UPDATE: Carney has issued a statement of his own, saying, “I got into music because of people like him. The bully assholes who made me feel like nothing. Music was a collaborative and non competitive thing. So, to get macho bullsh*t from within the musical community makes me angry and sad.”
UPDATE 2: After all of that, we’ve come to a pretty anticlimactic ending.
(Via Entertainment Weekly)