420 Songs About Marijuana, In One Spotify Playlist

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Is there anything significant about April 20? Absolutely: On this date in 1916, the Chicago Cubs played their first game at Weeghman Park, which is now Wrigley Field. Apollo 16, the tenth manned mission in the United States Apollo space program, landed on the moon on this day in 1972. April 20 is also the birthday of people like actor George Takei, Miami Marlins manager Don Mattingly, actor Andy Serkis, model Miranda Kerr, and historical villain Adolph Hitler. So yeah, you could say that 4/20 has a lot going on.

Yet, with so many possible things to celebrate today, I have the distinct feeling that plenty of you reading this either plan on taking it easy and smoking some weed today, or perhaps you’ve already started and now you’re thinking about how wild it is that the phone or computer screen you’re looking at right now is made up of a bunch of tiny pixels, each one displaying a different color of light and working together to make up the image you see now. Yeah, whoa.

Whatever state of mine you find yourself in right now, here’s the good news: In honor of 4/20, I’ve made a Spotify playlist containing 420 songs about marijuana, the use of it, and the lifestyle associated with it. You’ll find Willie Nelson, Snoop Dogg, Afroman, Sublime, and the other usual suspects in the mix, as well as some stuff that you maybe weren’t expecting to hear as much. If there’s one thing I can say about the playlist, it’s that it sure is long, which means you better get started now and listen to our “420 Songs About Marijuana” playlist below.

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