Aaron Carter Comes Out As Bisexual With A Heartfelt Note To Fans: ‘This Doesn’t Bring Me Shame’

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Aaron Carter tweeted out an emotional note to his fans on Saturday, revealing that he was bisexual and felt the need to finally lift the weight off his shoulders. Carter reveals that he has had numerous relationships with women over the years, but knew he had feelings that were confirmed at 17 with an “experience with a male” that he worked with and became attracted to.

The note, shared on Twitter as a screenshot, starts with a message of love to his fans before opening up:

“To start off, I would like to say that I love each and EVERY ONE of my fans. There’s something I’d like to say that I feel is important for myself and my identity that has been weighing on my chest for nearly half of my life…

“This doesn’t bring me shame, just a weight and burden I have held onto for a long time that I would like lifted off me. I grew up in this entertainment industry at a very young age and when I was around 13-years-old I started to find boys and girls attractive.”

Carter says that his ultimate goal is to be satisfied, praising the safety of music and the studio but adding that he doesn’t want to be a figure of disappointment before closing with a quote from Boy George:

‘I’ve never felt as though I didn’t belong, I just acted as though I did.’


Carter has had an eventful year to this point, losing his father in May and getting arrested in July for “driving under the influence and possession of marijuana,” denying the DUI accusation. People also reports that he was hospitalized in June and criticized reports about his weight, lashing out on social media. His latest is a change of tone to those events and seems to be a positive for Carter and his fans. Fans reacted with support for Carter’s decision and even the Human Rights Campaign took notice to send out a tweet to praise him for living his truth.


The reactions were noted by Carter on Sunday morning and he gave some love back soon after, taking to his new role as a visible member of the LGBT community almost immediately:



Congrats to Aaron Carter for making some positive changes and gathering some good vibes in the process.

(Via People)