Even fans of the great Action Bronson have to admit: he’s an imposing looking dude. You can be the nicest guy in the world, but if your over sized body is built like a fuzzy, stoned watermelon, people aren’t going to know how to react to you, especially when those people are senior citizens in a London retirement home.
So, naturally, that’s where Noisey asked Bronson to perform. The old folks are understandably confused by “Strictly 4 My Jeeps” (they’re more of a “72 Virgins” crowd, I guess), but they also seemed to kind of like it (to the score of a 5.2), or at least be amused by the sight of Bronson doing the Bam Bam Shuffle. Now that he’s corned the senior citizen market, Bronson should expect an increase of diapers thrown at him during concerts.