Action Bronson Once Starred In A Kotex Tampon Commercial

What Tobias Fünke is to frightened inmates, Action Bronson is to guys who say “what?” in tampon commercials. Two years ago, Kotex ran an ad campaign featuring a woman asking men if they wouldn’t mind going into a store and buying her tampons. The responses varied from “are you serious?” to “the f*ck you talking ’bout?” (probably), and 10 seconds in, Bam Bam shows up, giving us his best “what?” face.

On his Instagram, Bronson said, “I was in a Tampon commercial a couple years back hahaha….She had asked me to buy her tampons….Of course I said yes.” Guess that part got left out. BIG TAMPON STRIKES AGAIN.

(Via Pitchfork)