Allie Crow Buckley is deeply inspired by the ocean – the image accompanying her new single, “Captive,” pictures her sprawled exquisitely atop crashing waves. On the track, Buckley’s lyricism ebbs and flows just as much as the actual sea as she oscillates between conflicting feelings and external dialogue about an oppressive relationship: “I’m letting everyone down / They’re telling me there’s still time, that I can still get out / But he’s my baby, he’s the one I want.”
Buckley, who was born in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco, has lived exclusively in coastal communities like Mendocino and Venice Beach, and currently calls Malibu home. With the Pacific Ocean serving essentially as her lifelong backyard, it’s no wonder why her music emulates its grandness. The melody in “Captive” alone spans a multitude of sounds, ricocheting between wistful, rolling reflection to snarling conviction as Buckley tries to swim to safety against the tide that, in the end, wins.
About “Captive,” Buckley stated:
“The song is based around a sort of metaphor. When you’re in a bad relationship feeling trapped, it’s like being on a boat out to sea – and all of your loved ones are ashore waving for you to come back, and you’re yelling, ‘Sayonara!’ going through the motions trying to figure it out.”
You can listen to “Captive” here.