Both Beyonce and Adele will be battling for three of Grammy’s highest honors next year, Record of the Year, Song of the Year and Album of the Year. To sweeten the pot for young, hip, cord-cutting Millennials who would rather tweet about the show than actually watch the show, the Grammys have added both dueling divas to their list of performers.
Show executive producer Ken Ehrlich all but confirmed Bey and Adele’s performances during a recent Billboard magazine Grammy roundtable. Ehrlich was asked whether Beyonce, with her nine nominations and, Adele with her five, will hit the stage. “Very few people say no to the Grammys. Over all of the years I’ve been doing the show, there have been three or four acts who’ve actually said no.”
Okay, that quote doesn’t really help, but after some pressure Ehrlich finally let the cat out of the bag, continuing, “I can tell you that Adele and Beyoncé are not two of them. We have every anticipation that both of them will be with us in February.”
Last year, Music’s Biggest Night suffered a 10 percent drop is viewership among the key demographic of adults 18 to 49. That’s not good business for a show that’s now selling 30 seconds of ad time for $1 million a pop. Adding Beyonce and Adele, even for a duet, might be just the ratings boost the Grammys need come 2017.