We all fall to the altar of Beyoncé, whether we like it or not. It’s really out of our hands at this point. But now, things are getting to an actual Fall of Rome-type level. While there aren’t orgies and coliseums filled with men fighting tigers yet, an architecture firm in Australia has designed a building in the likeness of Queen Bey. Elenberg Fraser said of their 68-story tower:
For those more on the art than science side, we will reveal that the form does pay homage to something more aesthetic – we’re going to trust you’ve seen the music video for Beyoncé’s ‘Ghost.’…We’re not going to deny this is one stunning building.”
A lot of pop stars sell records, and some are even household names. When you start having skyscrapers built in your likeness… that’s some next level stuff. The Beyoncé Empire is a strong and ruthless one, with an Beyhive army of thousands at the ready. Basically, it’s only a matter of time until she starts absorbing other countries into her own nation. I, for one, welcome our new bootylicious overlord.
Watch Beyonce’s “Ghost” below.
(Via Elenberg Fraser)