Whenever Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan has been put behind a microphone in recent days, what has come out of his mouth has been headline-worthy. During a recent appearance on Howard Stern, he said he saw a “person [transform] into something other than human,” and now, in a two-hour guest spot on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, he stood up for a band that seems to have few advocates, perhaps fewer than any group ever: Nickelback.
When the conversation came to the point where Rogan said some unflattering things about the Canadian rockers, Corgan came to their defense, calling Chad Kroeger “an incredible songwriter” and comparing his band’s music to pornography:
“I don’t know enough about their world, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong if that’s who you want to be. Pop is predicated on satisfying. I’ve said many times pop is porn. It’s porn, they want to get you off. It’s just how they’re going to get you off. I’m not that concerned with getting you off, I’m just not.”
Meanwhile, the two also talked about Corgan’s new solo album Ogilala, Corgan’s experience with wrestling, and plenty of other topics. Listen to the full podcast here, and revisit our look at whether or not Nickeback actually sucks here.