Because of his much-written about interest in the subject of UFOs and extra-terrestrial life, it’s become quite easy to snicker at Blink-182 guitar Tom DeLonge these days. Just this month, he took his interest in the subject way past the hobbyist level and straight into the realm of obsession, forming an organization called To The Stars Academy Of Arts And Science that unites scientists and professionals from across disciplines to get to the answers of our cosmos.
But even with that announcement and request for crowdfunding, we still didn’t know exactly what To The Stars would be doing. As Stereogum points out, DeLonge gave some insight into the actual projects of his new company recently with a post on Facebook, and it’s pretty awesome.
In short, Tom DeLonge is crowdsourcing a spaceship. In long, he’s attempting to build an “ElectroMagnetic Vehicle to travel instantaneously through space, air and water by engineering the fabric of space-time.” It all sounds pretty wild, but then again, so did all of the other biggest innovations when they were first suggested. DeLonge’s post asks for investors, because who wouldn’t want to be involved in the creation of the spaceship that allows humans to finally solve the mysteries of our cosmos.
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Yes, this might just be a bit of wackiness from a guy who’s watched The X-Files too many times, but, it also might be the first step towards an innovation that could alter the future of our planet. And who better at the helm than the guy who helped craft Enema Of The State?
For more information on Tom DeLonge’s attempt to build a spaceship, keep your eyes peeled on the To The Stars website. At the time of posting, they’ve already raised more than $380K.