When last we heard from Daniel Caesar, he was collaborating with the Free Nationals on “Beauty & Essex” and trying to put a pair of disastrous live streams behind him. Of course, the best way to get your fans to forget your failures is to hit them with brand new music, so that’s exactly what he did, recruiting a who’s-who of stars including Brandy, Pharrell Williams, and John Mayer to guest on his sophomore album. Caesar released Case Study 01, which he has been working on since 2017’s Freudian, by surprise Friday night after sharing a short teaser on his social media on Wednesday.
06.28.19 #CASESTUDY01 pic.twitter.com/4YNzV97Qem
— Daniel Caesar (@DanielCaesar) June 26, 2019
The Canadian singer has had a rough 2019 so far. In March, he guested on Mayer’s Instagram show with Dave Chappelle, where things go awkward after Chappelle drunkenly noted that Caesar seemed “very gay.” Although Mayer was able to defuse that situation, Daniel stepped on another social media landmine when his own Instagram Live session veered into some pretty prickly territory. Twitter users declared the singer “canceled” after he called Black people “sensitive” and defended his friend, the controversial social media influencer/party planner YesJulz.
Of course, things are looking up for him now that he’s apologized and offered some new material for fans to dig into. Chance The Rapper announced that he’ll also appear on Chance’s upcoming album, so a change in fortune may be forthcoming for the “Get You” singer. Check out his new album above via Golden Child Recordings.