For anyone who forgot that Dave Grohl is the nicest guy in rock n’ roll, a perfect reminder popped up on Saturday. Grohl isn’t content to simply give his fans the ultimate beer-chugging and drum-smashing moments. He’s also totally cool with reliving his past, and he embraces those long-lost moments that other rocks stars would soon forget.
Grohl only recently recovered from his glorious concert throne where he shredded for months after shattering the hell out of one leg. Six months later, it’s like nothing ever went amiss and nice-guy business as usual. So, Grohl enjoyed a special reunion with the gloomy little girl from Nirvana’s 1993 “Heart Shaped Box” video. The girl’s name is Kelsey Rohr, and she’s all grown up now. Rohr met up with Grohl and Instagrammed the evidence with a self-deprecating joke about peaking at age 6. She’s a funny one:
“Today Dave Grohl and I picked up right where we left off 23 years ago on set of Nirvana’s last music video “Heart-Shaped Box”. Today reminded me that I peaked at 6 years old BUT I was the most badass kid on the playground. Today was the absolute coolest. Or in Dave’s words seeing each other today was a ‘historic moment’! What a legend!!”
Seriously, I bet she was a total badass to anyone who wanted to steal her lunch money. Anyone who pulled that sort of stunt would meet the cone hat. Here’s the glorious reunion photo.
For a refresher, here’s the 1993 video to make you feel even older.
(Via Consequence of Sound)