Today, several outlets started reporting that Taylor Swift had insured her gams for $40 million. $40 million! Is that $20 million per leg or is one superior and worth more? I’d like to see the stipulations of this document.
Swift is by no means the first celebrity to insure a particularly appreciated body part. Of course, Mary Hart famously insured her legs in the ’80s, but more recently so did David Beckham, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tina Turner, Heidi Klum and Rihanna. Both Jennifer Lopez and Kylie Minogue got butt insurance, Dolly Parton and Holly Madison insured their boobs, and Julia Roberts got her smile covered. You know who else has insured legs? Michael Flatley, Lord of the Dance.
Like Flatley, when you’re known for your stellar dance moves like Swift is, you can’t be too careful.
Good luck, Taylor. Mind the stairs.
Source: Daily Mail