The Dirty Projectors Used Twitter To Tease Their First New Music Since 2012

In 2012 the New York-based experimental pop group The Dirty Projectors released Swing Lo Magellan, one of the best albums in an already jam-packed year. It came out in mid-summer and the frenetic, lush sound of the record seemed like an ideal pairing for my first real summer in New York. Retrospectively, it seems almost impossible that we haven’t heard from them in almost four years, and yet that’s how long it’s been since they put out anything new.

That changed today with the release of a new video snippet via the band’s Twitter account. Unaccompanied by a press release or any text, the nineteen second clip portrays a pair of praying hands tipping up and down against a stone backdrop in rhythm with a series of flutes, piano and what sounds like horns. The clip is black and white and offers few details aside from the motion of the hands. It’s as esoteric and bizarre a teaser as we’d expect from the band, particularly the primary composer David Longstreth, who is known for his eclectic sound and approach to the indie rock scene. We’ll hope this clip is an indication that a new album is coming, though, as it also is currently set to autoplay when you click on their website. Stay tuned.