Doja Cat received some backlash a few weeks ago for seemingly mocking Cardi B in an Instagram Live video. The controversy started when the “Mooo!” rapper sang along to “Press” in her car, exaggerating Cardi’s low tone and bursting into laughter. “Bruh, bruh, look. I’mma get canceled, but bro,” she told the camera.
But Doja has since backtracked on her impression, insisting it was all in good fun and she doesn’t mean any disrespect to Cardi. After DJ Akademiks shared Doja’s video and Cardi’s fans came after her, the rapper shared another snippet from the same video to her Instagram. “@iamcardib @akadmiks / but this doesn’t matter because hatred is more entertaining / I make fun of everybody including myself,” Doja wrote in the caption to the post.
And it looks like Doja has even reached out to make things right with Cardi personally. As reported by Complex, Doja Cat set the record straight and explained the context behind her comments on Cardi in a recent interview with Big Boy.
According to Doja, she was not in her right mind when she made the video. She’d apparently just had a ton of Flo Rida’s energy drink Celsius, and was feeling hyper and giggly. “So I drank it and, man, I’d never been that hyper, I think, in my entire life … I drank all of it in 10 minutes,” she explained in the video (10:25). “And I was in the car, we were going to the zoo, and I was super excited, and I had the radio on, and then her song came on, and I was — like I do with myself and everybody else — I was making fun of the song. But it’s a dope song. I acknowledged that, as well. And people edited out the parts where I was acknowledging that it was great.”
She also revealed that she and the “Press” rapper have talked about the incident. “I spoke to Cardi and she was really sweet and understanding,” said Doja. “She’s a smart woman and I feel like she probably makes fun of her friends and other celebrities. That’s just something you do when you’re either hopped up on caffeine or lit.”
Watch Doja’s full interview on Big Boy’s YouTube channel above.
Cardi B is a Warner Music artist. .