Drake Creates The ‘God’s Plan’ Challenge To Inspire His Fans To Do Good Deeds

Drake has been on a real giving spree lately, handing out gifts like $50k in groceries and the same amount in a college scholarship left and right. Today, these instances of generosity came together for Drake’s “God’s Plan” video, in which he spent the near-$1 million budget on a bunch of big-hearted things like the aforementioned. Drake has clearly done his part, and now, he wants us to do the same, which is why he’s starting the “God’s Plan” Challenge.

Most of Drake’s fans probably don’t have $1 million is disposable money laying around, but the “God’s Plan” Challenge isn’t about money: It’s about doing whatever you can to make somebody else’s day even just a little bit better. Drake laid out the guidelines of the challenge in an Instagram story this afternoon, writing that all you have to do to participate is “do something for someone, anything, the smallest thing just to bring another human being some joy” and tag Drake in a post about it:

“I am not into challenges on IG I find them annoying… but today I am going to challenge everyone to just go out and do something for someone, anything, the smallest thing just to bring another human being some joy and please tag me in it somehow so I can see all the love being spread… you don’t have to play the song in the background or have some hashtag this isn’t about the streams and all the other tactics being used… Just go be kind in any way you can and let’s all watch the world be nice to each other even if it’s for 24 hours… Thank You.”


Drake’s broad and influential reach is the perfect platform to encourage people to show love to one another, so here’s to all the heartwarming moments that result from the “God’s Plan” Challenge that are hopefully to come.