Benjamin Franklin once said that the only things that are certain in life are death, taxes and that Lady GaGa will have 5 hit singles each year. At least I think he said that last thing about GaGa, but I was really terrible at American history, so I could be wrong. But I do know that Lady GaGa will eventually die, and while we hope that it’s not for a long, long time, someone somewhere will mutter the phrase: “Man, I feel really old right now.” After all, there is no greater reminder of our own inevitable ends than when people who are far more important pass away.
Thankfully, the great minds behind one of my favorite new Tumblr sites has found an even more creative way to depress us, as “Live! I See Dead People” has taken on the task of removing deceased music artists from the covers of their classic albums, like the Beatles’ “Abbey Road” above. Sure, George Harrison has been dead for 10 years and John Lennon for 31 years, but it doesn’t make it any less off a bummer. Just ask my parents. They still think it’s 1969.
After the jump, check out the best offerings of “Life!” and see if you can guess them all. I put an answer key at the end, in case any of them stump you, which they shouldn’t because most of them are solo artists. But still, no cheating.
Even though I know you probably cheated.
1) The Beatles – John Lennon, George Harrison (obviously)
2) The Who – John Entwistle, Keith Moon
3) The Doors – Jim Morrison
4) The Clash – Joe Strummer
5) The Beach Boys – Carl Wilson, Dennis Wilson
6) T. Rex – Marc Bolan
7) Serge Gainsbourg
8) The Ramones – Dee Dee Ramone, Joey Ramone, Johnny Ramone
9) Ol’ Dirty Bastard
10) Nirvana – Kurt Cobain
11) Nick Drake
12) New York Dolls – Arthur Kane, Jerry Nolan, Johnny Thunders
13) Minnie Riperton
14) Johnny Thunders
15) John Lennon
16) Jeff Buckley
17) Ian Dury
18) George Harrison
19) Elvis Presley
20) Chagrin D’Amour – Gregory Ken
21) ACDC – Bon Scott