During a show in West Chester, Pa., Ivan Moody of Five Finger Death Punch decided to take a stand against Kanye West. I assure you this is a decidedly controversial and #brave stance to take in front of a crowd of small-town Pennsylvania metalheads. Moody called out West before the band’s closing song.
“Let’s make one more statement right now. F*ck Kanye West.Yeah, I f*cking said it and I don’t regret it. So before we go any further, f*ck Kanye, f*ck Kanye, f*ck Kanye.”
Moody also preemptively called out social media users who would spread his statements:
“I’m going to hear about that tomorrow on Facebook and I really don’t give a sh*t. So I want to say something before this last song. I know that social media has been eating me alive lately. Let me finish, let me finish: The f*cked up thing about the internet is that somebody can say something and it can be completely f*cking untrue and you still get to see it.”
There’s a chance Moody is referring to the controversy surrounding his divorce. Moody’s ex-wife claims that Moody beat her in a Las Vegas hotel room after she confronted him about various infidelities.
For more Five Finger Death Punch, check out our interview with bass player Chris Kael.
(via Fuse)