Jay Z Is Throwing A Concert For Voters Who Have Reasonable Doubts About Hillary Clinton

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Jay Z is holding a get out the vote concert for Hillary Clinton. According to Buzzfeed, the concert will go down in Cleveland and is an attempt by the Clinton campaign to drum up support among young, black voters who have reasonable doubts about the Democratic nominee for president.

It’s not the first time that Jay Z has stumped for a presidential hopeful. He performed at a concert during Barack Obama‘s re-election campaign in 2012. And his Clinton support comes as no surprise. I personally saw him kicking it with Bill Clinton and Alex Ebert of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes during the Made In America Festival over Labor Day weekend so the relationship between the Carters and Clintons exists in some form.

More recently, Jay Z has released songs in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and even used some of his money to bail out activists who were arrested while protesting the death of Freddie Gray.

The date of Jay Z’s concert is still TBD, but when it does happen it will be part of a campaign on Clinton’s part to mobilize young voters via shows. Jennifer Lopez is playing a pro-HRC gig in Miami on October 29 and The National are set to play a show for Clinton in Cincinnati on November 2.

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