In a hilarious new trailer for the upcoming Ubisoft game, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Lil Wayne calls back a classic gamer meme when given the choice between using stealth or going in guns blazing. The trailer not only shows off the online multiplayer gameplay — set appropriately to the sounds of Wayne’s Tha Carter V single “Uproar” — but it also shows off Weezy’s self-aware sense of humor.
At the start of the trailer, Wayne’s party is all geared up for their latest mission but Wayne is nowhere to be found. They check his social media (“that is a lot of champagne”) and decide to go ahead without him, only for the superstar rapper to pull up just in time. Adding another layer of humor is that the game scenes are performed by actors who look nothing like their game counterparts given voiceovers that belie their rugged looks.
And, in a tongue-in-cheek reference to gamer culture, Weezy harkens back to the days of early internet memes when Lil Wayne mimics the infamous “Leeroy Jenkins” World Of Warcraft viral video and breaks ranks, shouting his full name (Dwayne Michael Carter Jr.) before diving into the fray.
However, Wayne’s fast-and-loose rap lifestyle conflicts with the group’s tight-knit battle tactics, from taking a call mid-game (to get a skate ramp installed in his bathroom, naturally) to a semi-racy misunderstanding with Wayne’s game mic. They kick him out and replace him, only to get someone even more ingrained in gamer culture, but way worse at this particular game: Snoop Dogg.
The “Squad Up” trailer will air nationally to promote Breakpoint during key events like Thursday Night Football October 3 and WWE SmackDown Oct 4, with the game officially arriving October 4 on Playstation, XBox One, and Google’s new gaming platform Stadia. Playstation and XBox gamers will also get a chance to try it out during its open beta September 26–30.