Before today, “Rude” and unnecessary punctuation was the most offensive thing we’d ever get out of Canadian reggae-poppers Magic! But now have the video for “Girl At Coachella” a sweaty and sexist slab of grody vibes that manages to belittle literally every woman at the massive festival.
The story of the song goes like this. The beanie-wearing frontbro in Magic! sees a girl in a Coachella crowd. He tries to impress her by taking her to the VIP section. For whatever reason, she bones the hell out and leaves Ontario’s premier raggamuffin alone. Maybe she felt uncomfortable? Maybe she realized “I hung out with the dude from Magic!” wasn’t a cool story? Maybe she saw this dude being skeevy and decided to use it to her advantage? Either way, she’s gone and the crestfallen he’s-a-Magic!-man decides that means that all girls at Coachella can’t be trusted…
…at least until he immediately tries to drag another woman back into the VIP with him with talk of her being the love of his life.
It doesn’t get any better from there, with the typically buoyant and cartoonish D.R.A.M. upping the grossness by several levels with a verse about blowjobs and calling a woman who managed to trick him “slow in her wits but as fast as they come.”
This is bad. This is gross. And this is not how you talk about women in pop songs.