Late last year, My Bloody Valentine leader Kevin Shields revealed that the band won’t be waiting another 22 years for their next release. When asked if the group will put out new music in 2018, he answered definitively:
“We one hundred percent will. We started recording it a year ago, and then we just kept on stopping because of this [project]. Basically, the record started off as an EP, and I realized it has to be, like, a mini-album, because it’s going to be at least 40 minutes long. So it’s going to be an album, but I don’t really know how many tracks it’s going to be. It’ll probably be seven or eight, by the looks of it.”
Now, a few months later, Shields seems to have a better idea of what the next MBV drop will look like: Speaking in a new hourlong interview with NPR, he says, beginning at about the 45:30 mark, that the band started recording a new album “over a year ago,” but that he’s going about it differently this time:
“I’m not making an album in the way I would normally make an album. […] It’s more like I’m making an EP, but I don’t want to be constrained by it having to be four songs or a certain length or anything. So it’s really an EP, but it’s a sprawling EP that I’m describing. I’m going to do a couple of them before I do an album.”
He also talked about performing some new songs live in the band’s upcoming shows, their first in years. Listen to the full interview here.