When news broke of Prince’s passing this past April, there were several rumors swirling around the iconic star’s death, but we can now say with definitive proof what killed the irreplaceable legend. According to the Associated Press, local law enforcement have officially stated that Prince died of an opioid overdose. This is congruent with earlier reports that suggested that the 57-year-old singer was found with Percocet in his system at the time of death and that he had intended to meet with an opioid-addiction doctor the very day he died.
The report confirms what many fans suspected based on the previous evidence, but still, it comes as a shock as Prince had never had a history of substance abuse of any kind. The legacy and footprint that he has left behind can truly never be filled, and so many have given their best tribute to the Purple One, be it at award shows, social media, their own concerts, or even official releases. And those will no doubt continue as the year goes on.
While this report may disappoint some of his fans, it will likely not change anyone’s opinion that Prince was one of the greatest artists of all time. And it certainly won’t change how much he is dearly loved and missed.