Quavo laced Migos’ star-studded Culture 2 with beats, but he’s accused of using his hands in the wrong manner after Sunday’s Grammys. TMZ is reporting that aptly titled celebrity Jeweler Eric The Jeweler filed a police report against Quavo for beating him with another man and taking his allegedly $30,000 chain. Eric told the cops that he was talking with Quavo at 1Oak nighclub in New York, and their conversation about money that Quavo owes Eric turned physical. TMZ sources state that the other man was not Migos’ Quavos — and cousins — Offset and Takeoff, but another member of their entourage.
This isn’t the first time Migos have been involved in drama that got physical. There was Quavo and Offset attempting to jump a bouncer outside of a club last year, which didn’t have cops involved. Neither did the confrontation between Migos’ entourage and XXXTentacion in LA. The footage was released slowly over three days before it was finally revealed that the trio wasn’t involved in jumping the controversial Florida rapper. It appears that may not have been the case this time though. Hopefully everything can get cleared up as soon as possible. Between this and Offset’s “queer” controversy, the Culture 2 album cycle is getting a bit sidetracked from the music.