Quavo has been rippin’ features for the past two years it seems, and now some fans are clamoring to get him his biggest collabo ever: one with Francis Scott Key. A Change.org petition has popped up demanding the Migos MC be featured on the National Anthem, because “he’s a feature on everything else, so why not?” Sound logic. As of the release of this piece, the petition’s 1,080 supporters agree.
The petition was created two months ago by Sean Gray, a dude from Kentucky. “It’s the current year 2017 and I think the nation should get with the times and feature Quavo on the National Anthem,” he wrote on the petition, which will be delivered to Donald Trump, the United States Supreme Court, the Senate, House, and Mike Pence. Given the way Trump has been channeling his inner Soulja Boy in recent days re: North Korea, it seems appropriate.
Somewhere in an alternate universe, this has already happened, and Colin Kaepernick will dab on “home of the brazy, ayy, ayy” and run onto the field to play quarterback for some NFL team on opening day. But unfortunately, that’s all a pipedream, and the “Star Spangled Banner” will likely be staying put because tradition.