R.E.M. To Fox News: Stop Playing Our Song

This may come as a shock, but the members of R.E.M. — one of the most eco-conscious and politically active bands of all-time, to the point where they performed on the Vote for Change tour in 2004 and frontman Michael Stipe recently contributed to “90 Days, 90 Reasons,” a pro-Obama website — don’t much care for Fox News. Especially when Fox News is using their song, “Losing My Religion,” without their permission.

R.E.M.’s “Losing My Religion” was used in the Fox News coverage of the Democratic National Convention last night. R.E.M. today, through its music publisher, Warner-Tamerlane Music, demanded that Fox News cease and desist from continuing its unlicensed and unauthorized use of the song. Michael Stipe said, “We have little or no respect for their puff adder brand of reportage. Our music does not belong there.” (Via)

That’s not true, Michael: “Bang and Blame” is perfect for Fox News.

(Via Pitchfork)