R. Kelly has become almost as well known for accusations of sexual misconduct as he is for his music. The most notorious of those accusations involved an underaged girl and now, a new set of accusations has him involved one again with a teenager, this time a 14-year-old girl he groomed as a “sex pet.” The Guardian reports in a preview of an upcoming BBC3 documentary in which former Kelly girlfriend Kitti Jones accuses the singer of even more instances of sexual, physical, and psychological abuse, including boasting to Jones that he’d trained an underaged girl to be his pet.
According to Jones, she was “introduced to one of the girls, that he told me he ‘trained’ since she was 14, those were his words. I saw that she was dressed like me, that she was saying the things I’d say and her mannerisms were like mine. That’s when it clicked in my head that he had been grooming me to become one of his pets. He calls them his pets.”
She also alleges that the singer expressed his displeasure with “misbehavior” or disappointment in the women by “kicking me, telling me I was a stupid bitch [and] don’t ever get in his business.” In the BBC documentary, she says he was “very abusive” during their two-year relationship, “physically, mentally, verbally. I think he gets some sort of satisfaction within himself, knowing that he’s taking control over other people.”
Jones was one of the women who recently came forward to share accounts of the singer keeping women in a “sex cult” against their will. Although authorities say they found no evidence of wrongdoing, the women say that Kelly was abusive and manipulative while maintaining that they were afraid to leave him. Kelly has not responded to The Guardian, but previously stated his innocence.