After a weeklong trial, Taylor Swift’s ordeal with a Denver radio host is officially over as a six-woman, two-man federal jury found David Mueller guilty of assaulting and battering Swift in 2013. Swift hugged her lawyers as the verdict was announced and her mother cried according to reporters in the courtroom. The judgement earned Swift the $1 she was seeking in the case and the publicly declared guilt of Mueller by the federal court.
Mueller lost his job after groping Swift’s buttocks under her dress before a concert in 2013, and while Swift had hoped to keep the incident quiet she took him to court after he sued her and the radio station for damages. That case was thrown out last week after a judge ruled he was lawfully fired for his discretions.
In court, Swift stood up to sexist and belittling questioning from Mueller’s attorney, and described the incident in detail, saying “He stayed latched on to my bare a** check as I moved away from him visibly uncomfortable.”
Complete victory for Taylor Swift. Jury founds David Mueller assaulted and battered Taylor Swift and awarded her $1.
— Claudia Rosenbaum (@CJRosenbaum) August 14, 2017
Jury did not find Andrea Swift or Frank Bell tortiously interfered with David Mueller's employment contract.
— Claudia Rosenbaum (@CJRosenbaum) August 14, 2017
Taylor Swift mother, who was crying, immediately hugged her daughter as soon as the verdict was read.
— Claudia Rosenbaum (@CJRosenbaum) August 14, 2017
Taylor Swift hugs her attorneys and mother after verdict is read. Andrea cries. Mueller didn’t look at his attorneys. #taylorswifttrial
— Blair Miller (@blairmiller) August 14, 2017
Taylor Swift's statement. #TaylorSwiftTrial pic.twitter.com/cnmsLQ42KT
— Joe Fryer (@joefryer) August 14, 2017
In a statement following the verdict, Swift thanked the judge, jury and her attorneys, before adding “I acknowledge the privilage that I beenefit from in life, in society and in my ability to shoulder the enormous costs of defending myself in a trial like this. As such, Swift declared that she would be “making donations in the near future organizations that help sexual assault victims defend themselves.”