TMZ reports that controversial New York rapper Tekashi69 was hospitalized today when unknown assailants apparently kidnapped him during a robbery attempt. However, there are now multiple versions of the story being reported as TMZ’s original sources, said to be close to Tekashi, have been said to have related a slightly different version of events from what police say Tekashi offered them.
A few facts remain consistent between the narratives though. Multiple men held Tekashi at gunpoint, drove the rapper to his home, and stole several thousand dollars worth of jewelry. In the story Tekashi told his crew, which was originally reported to TMZ, there were three men, who ambushed 69 at him home, pistol-whipped him unconscious and then threatened him when he woke up in the back seat of their car as they drove around. They returned to his house, where one guarded him in the car as the other two entered and stole the jewelry.
However, in the version related by law enforcement sources, two men rammed his car at a red light, grabbed Tekashi, and drove him to his home, where he called someone inside — the story supposes his girlfriend — who came down with the jewelry. In both versions of the story, Tekashi managed to escape and either called the police or asked for help from a bystander, who did so for him.
The rapper later checked himself into a hospital, where he is receiving a battery of tests and refuses to cooperate further with police.