Chris Rock Danced Like Snoopy At A Private Prince Show, According To David Spade

David Spade was on The Tonight Show last night, where he told a really entertaining story about hanging out with Chris Rock after SNL40 rehearsals. Thanks to Chris Rock’s “secret black famous app,” they found out about a show that Dave Chappelle was playing at a club, but he wasn’t going on until 2 a.m., which was too late for Spade. As a backup option, Chris Rock learned that Prince was playing a private show nearby, thanks to Questlove, who was of course present as he’s Jimmy Fallon’s band leader, and revealed that “he was the texter.”

Guests at Prince’s private show allegedly included Michael Jordan, who misinterpreted David Spade’s awkward attempt at white guy dancing as being “too good for Prince.” Chris Rock on the other hand, apparently “dances like Snoopy” when he gets excited. I dunno, the whole thing sounded like some kind of magical dream to me. Or basically what Danger Guerrero’s idea of heaven is like.

Note: The original version of this post claimed that “The Rock” danced like Snoopy, because the author may or may not have slept well last night. Our sincerest apologies to The Rock.