Nobody Is Having As Much Fun As This Guy Dancing To ‘Uptown Funk’ At A Music Festival

This video was taken earlier this month at the Scottish music festival T in the Park. In between sets, the DJ played “Uptown Funk” on the loudspeakers, and this guy entertained the crowd by breaking into this amazing dance routine. As I started watching it, I expected the video to be over shortly after he does his (first) split about 18 second in, only to realize that the video still had more thanĀ three-and-a-half minutes left.

The video first went viral in the UK, and the “daft dancer,” as he’s described in the video title, has since been identified as 18-year-old Fred Rawicz, a student who’s heading to drama school in the fall. I would have guessed that this was not the first time Rawicz has danced to “Uptown Funk,” although he claims the routine was totally improvised. There’s no way he didn’t do this in front of his bedroom mirror at least a dozen or two times.