Taylor Swift Has An Explanation For Her Private Jet’s High CO2 Emissions

There’s been a recent uptick in celebrities being criticized for the frequent and often unnecessary use of their private jets. It all started with Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott posing in front of their individual jets. That led to the discovery of Kylie’s 17-minute ride across a California suburb which would have only been a 45-minute drive. Drake was next after he was slammed for taking a 14-minute flight from Toronto, Ontario to Hamilton, Ontario, however, he offered an explanation for it. Taylor Swift was next as she was labeled as the celebrity with the most private flight CO2 emissions in 2022.

Days after this was revealed, a spokesperson for Taylor shared a statement to explain the singer’s high CO2 emissions from her private jet. “Taylor’s jet is loaned out regularly to other individuals,” the spokesperson said to E! News in their statement. “To attribute most or all of these trips to her is blatantly incorrect.”

Taylor’s own criticism came after the Twitter account @CelebJets, which also brought Kylie and Drake’s plane usage to light, revealed that Taylor’s private jet has put forth 170 trips and 22,923 minutes of flight time in 2022. The latter number is equivalent to 16 days in the air. A study conducted by marketing firm Yard said her private jet has emitted 8,293.54 metric tons of carbon in the last seven months. The study said that the number is “1,184.8 times more than the average person’s total annual emissions.” The @CelebJets Twitter account also noted that the average time for Taylor’s private jet had an average flight time of 80 minutes with its shortest flight being a 36-minute trip from Missouri to Nashville, Tennessee.