Jamie Spears’ lawyer has continued her round of TV appearances to defend her client’s conservatorship over his daughter, Britney Spears, after documentary by The New York Times threw it into harsh light. According to The Times research in Framing Britney Spears, Britney’s current legal arrangement was made without her own lawyer present, the court appointed a different lawyer without her present and never even let her see the paperwork of the proceedings. Conservatorship lawyer Lisa MacCarley further believes Britney’s situation is not just abusive, but illegal.
However, Jamie’s lawyer, Vivian Thoreen, has now gone on both Good Morning America and CNN to insist her client is completely innocent of any wrongdoing. Thoreen told CNN that Britney’s father would happily step down if he thought his daughter didn’t need a conservator.
“[He] would love nothing more than to see Britney not need a conservatorship,” Thoreen said. “Whether or not there is an end to the conservatorship really depends on Britney. If she wants to end her conservatorship, she can file a petition to end it. Jamie is not suggesting that he is the perfect dad or that he would receive any ‘Father of the Year’ award. Like any parent, he doesn’t always see eye-to-eye on what Britney may want. But Jamie believes every single decision he has made has been in her best interest.”
She also said that during his contesting of the newly appointed co-conservatorship, his goal was to simply make sure he had as much power as the bank who was added to help run Britney’s finances.
“Jamie never contested or objected to Bessemer being appointed as his co-conservator. And at the last hearing, it was reported that Jamie was trying to get more power than his co-conservator, and that is completely inaccurate. What we were arguing is that Jamie and his co-conservator should have equal power, that was always consistent. The court investigator also interviews everyone who is involved in the conservatorship, and they do a deep dive to really study the conservatorship to find out what’s going on. And what I can tell you is every year the court has kept the conservatorship in place.”
Britney was not reached for comment as her lawyer has advised she won’t speak on a pending case. The next hearing related to Britney’s legal situation is scheduled for March 17, 2021.