Hulk Hogan Says He Owes ‘All Wrestlers’ An Apology Before Any Return To WWE

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Rumors are all over the place about Hulk Hogan’s rumored return to WWE, with the company releasing a statement saying he has not signed any contract with them while other reports claim one is imminent. Outside of that, he has a well of support from numerous former and current WWE employees, including Ric Flair and Mark Henry.

Henry’s comments led to the latest exchange with Hulk Hogan following his appearance at the premiere for HBO’s Andre The Giant documentary. The Hulkster agrees with Henry’s sentiment that he needs to apologize to the black wrestlers in the company for his comments made public during the Gawker trial, but added one extra bit to it according to TMZ:

“I totally agree with him, not to the black wrestlers, to all the wrestlers. What I said was way out of line and I’m forever sorry for that.”

The apology seems to be the main part, but it does seem to fly past Henry’s point that the black wrestlers on the roster would have an extra reason to resent the return of Hulk Hogan to WWE. Still, having Hogan open to it does at least indicate the barrier is lowered a bit for his return. WWE commented that his appearance at the Andre premiere did not mean he was back with the company or scheduled for any dates — including Wrestlemania 34 next Sunday.

But as we’ve indicated, not everybody is sold until the event happens and Hogan is nowhere to be seen.

(Via TMZ)