Per Jay Glazer of Fox Sports, the person responsible for DeflateGate is none other than Bill—-nope, just kidding, it’s a locker room attendant. According to Glazer’s sources, the attendant took the official game balls to “another area” before going to the field.
Breaking news: sources tell @FOXSports the NFL has zeroed in on a locker room attendant w Patriots who allegedly took balls from officials locker room to another area on way to field. Sources say they have interviewed him and additionally have video. Still gauging if any wrong doing occurred with him but he is strong person of interest.
Both Bill Belichick and Tom Brady flat out denied any knowledge of DeflateGate and even offered up alternate theories as to what happened. Additionally, both said they never instructed anyone to tamper with the balls.
So apparently this locker attendant went rogue. At least that’s what the Pats want you to believe. Stay tuned…