A Very Unscientific Look At The History Of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Dancing

When The Rock finishes a workout, there’s only one thing he wants to do. Well, maybe two things. First, there’s likely going to be a lot of eating given that crazy diet we’ve heard about. But then, after the feast, there’s going to be some dancing. Some hip shaking, body moving, earth quaking dancing.

The Rock posted the Instagram video above on Friday, showcasing his rendition of the ‘Hit the Quan’ dance. Brandon already covered how there is a little bit of Ric Flair tossed in there around the middle part, but I’m not sure if that’s part of the real dance or not. Doesn’t matter because The Rock makes this dance his own.

It’s not the first time The Rock has shown off his moves after a workout. There’s is, of course, this classic tribute to his dad:

But that’s not all. It would seem that The Rock has a long history of dancing all across media. He’s done his little struts and Ric Flair homages in WWE:

And then he’s done some shaking and jiving on the big screen, as we got to see with his traditional Samoan dance in Be Cool:

Now you might think this is all just part of some practice or shed off from his background, but this clip from Ellen shows that The Rock can certainly dance on demand. She proceeds to hold up a card with a specific dance on it and he does his best to perform it, with good results:

And for another look at his impromptu dancing skills, here’s a classic clip from BET showing The Rock doing a slight football celebration. I assume this is in connection to The Game Plan or Gridiron Gang:

Now, to judge how well he danced on Friday, Johnson took a moment to greet one of his “favorite girls,” Lexi, and asks her who the better dancer is: himself or Justin Bieber. Despite being his friend and sharing an Instagram video with him, Lexi ends up choosing Bieber.

How can this be true? Does Bieber have the moves? Is it because he wants to impress his embarrassing father? Is it because of what we saw in those leaked photos? Or maybe this young girl is biased to Bieber. Let’s examine really quick:

I don’t get it. At all. Luckily, The Rock is gracious loser and takes it all in stride. Doubtful that The Rock would’ve done this 15 years ago, especially when he was running around with D-Lo Brown. I get the feeling he didn’t really need that chest protector.

(Via The Rock)